About Us

Who We Are

Law for Truth, a project of Protect Democracy, is a group of advocates, communications experts, and lawyers committed to combating the intentional dissemination of disinformation that undermines our democracy.

Law for Truth is primarily staffed by Protect Democracy employees, including communications experts, impact associates, and counsel, who work closely with partners at some of the nation’s leading law firms and public interest organizations.

What We Do

A shared baseline of factual reality is essential for our democracy to function.

But a relatively small group of partisan activists and “news” organizations are intentionally and recklessly creating and disseminating disinformation aimed at misinforming the public and undermining a shared sense of reality.


These efforts have been extremely successful. Roughly 90% of Republicans and Democrats say they now disagree on basic facts.


The law affords the truth a fighting chance to remedy this crisis. Using strategic litigation and public education, we fight for disinformation victims and our democracy.

“There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily.”

– George Washington

Lies Threaten Our Democracy By…

  • Undermining faith in elections and democratic institutions
  • Dividing and polarizing communities
  • Shattering our shared sense of reality
  • Poisoning the public discourse
  • Demonizing marginalized communities
  • Weakening our national security